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Writer's pictureLuis A. Marrero

Why People Are Easily Manipulated And What To Do About It

Updated: Feb 6

Being Manipulated

"You can't manipulate people who know how to think for themselves."
~ Trish Mercer ~

Manipulation has been a part of human society since time immemorial. Throughout history, individuals and groups have exploited psychological vulnerabilities to control or influence others. But why do people often fall prey to manipulation? What makes us susceptible to being easily swayed or deceived? How can Meaningful Purpose Psychology's meaning analysis protect us from psychological vulnerabilities? Ahead we will explore the underlying psychological factors that make people vulnerable to manipulation and what we can do about it.

Why People Are Easily Manipulated

Cognitive Biases

cognitive bias

Our brains are wired to take shortcuts when processing information. These mental shortcuts, known as cognitive biases, help us make quick decisions but can also lead us astray. Confirmation bias, for example, makes us seek information that confirms our preexisting beliefs, while the bandwagon effect causes us to follow the crowd. Manipulators exploit these biases, presenting information in a way that reinforces our existing views or aligns with popular opinion, thus leading us to accept their manipulative tactics.

Feeling and Emotional Triggers

emotional triggers

Feelings and emotions play a significant role in decision-making. When our senses are heightened, our rational thinking often takes a backseat. Manipulators skillfully trigger feelings like fear, anger, or empathy to cloud our judgment and influence our actions. They create an emotional connection to their cause or narrative, making it easier to control our responses.

Authority and Social Proof

arrogant man

People tend to trust authority figures and rely on social proof to guide their choices. Manipulators capitalize on this by assuming a position of authority or presenting themselves as experts or influential figures. Additionally, when we witness others following a particular path, we are more likely to do the same, even if it goes against our better judgment. This path can lead to a herd mentality -- or the tendency to blindly follow and act as the group we identify with -- making manipulation more effective.

Lack of Information or Critical Thinking

lacking critical thinking skills

Manipulators often exploit gaps in our knowledge or the absence of critical thinking. We are more susceptible to believing false or misleading claims when we lack information about a topic. Similarly, we become more vulnerable to manipulation when we don't critically analyze the information presented.

The Desire for Consistency and Commitment


Humans have a strong desire to be consistent with their previous actions and commitments. Manipulators use this to their advantage by encouraging us to make small commitments or take initial actions that align with their objectives. Once we take these steps, we are more likely to continue down the manipulated path to maintain consistency with our previous actions.

Disconnected from Meaning-reality


The inability to perceive and discern what is before us has been a problem, but it is not an insurmountable obstacle. Fortunately, there are tools to help us grasp "what is really happening here." Meaningful Purpose Psychology's meaning analysis is a powerful tool that helps deconstruct and diagnose situations to grasp reality as is, not as we have been conditioned, introjected, or manipulated to believe. Learning and leveraging this approach can help us grasp reality without being sidelined by Houdini-like devious deception beyond our perception.

Countering Vulnerabilities

To counter the vulnerabilities that make people susceptible to manipulation, here are some effective strategies:

1. Education and Awareness:


Promote education about cognitive biases and psychological vulnerabilities. While some fields positively and constructively impact social discourse, we still need to raise awareness about common manipulation tactics used in various settings, such as politics, marketing, and social interactions. By understanding these tactics, people can better recognize when they are being manipulated. As mentioned, you can counter being manipulated by learning Meaningful Purpose Psychology's meaning analysis approaches.

2. Critical Thinking Skills


Encourage the development of critical thinking skills. Teach people to question information, verify sources, and examine evidence before forming opinions or making decisions. Emphasize the importance of thinking independently and avoiding blind acceptance of information. Understanding that our meanings have content can help us test how well-informed we and others are before committing to a worldview, perspective, or stance.

3. Feeling and Emotional Intelligence

emotional intelligence

Promote feeling and emotional intelligence, which involves effectively recognizing and managing our senses. By developing sensory awareness, individuals can better identify when their emotions are manipulated and make more rational decisions. Learn and capitalize on Meaningful Purpose Psychology's (MP) meaning building blocks (for psychologists – construct) so that you can reveal the significance of your feelings.

4. Fact-Checking and Media Literacy

fact checker

Encourage fact-checking and media literacy. Teach people how to distinguish between credible and unreliable sources of information. Encourage reliance on reputable news outlets and fact-checking organizations to verify the accuracy of claims. For instance, is related to media outlets' political inclinations. Remember, not everything you hear or read is necessarily accurate. You are encouraged to learn MP's approach to test assumptions (One such tool is meaning quality assessment.).

5. Encourage Open Dialogue

open dialogue

Create an environment where people feel comfortable discussing different perspectives and ideas openly. Encourage respectful debates and discussions that foster critical thinking and challenge groupthink. Approach differences of views and opinions as an opportunity to learn rather than to confront. Learn MP's definition of meaningfulness in contrast to what is meaningless and how it can improve communication.

6. Encourage Diverse Perspectives

diverse perspectives

Expose individuals to diverse viewpoints and experiences. This exposure helps to break down echo chambers and reduces the chances of being swayed solely by social proof or the opinions of a particular group. You will be well served to learn MP's explanation about how it is possible to acquire, store, and retrieve invalid or unhelpful information and act as if it is accurate or reliable.

7. Empowerment Through Knowledge


Empower individuals with information and resources. Ensure that people have access to accurate and reliable information, which helps them make informed decisions and reduces the likelihood of being misled. Have fun through a life-long commitment to learning, growing, and thriving, and enjoy the freedom that comes with a reasonable degree of certainty. Discover how MP's Five Meaningful Strivings can help you understand and unlock an excellent path to genuine success and prosperity.

8. Promote Skepticism


Encourage healthy skepticism when encountering new information or claims. Teach people to question and verify the claims they encounter, especially those that align with their existing beliefs. In most cases, we do have time to check and verify. Leverage all the tips provided here to practice such healthy doubt.

9. Teach Assertiveness

Educate individuals on assertiveness and setting boundaries. Manipulators often prey on those who are passive or easily persuaded. Individuals can protect themselves from manipulation by learning to assert their own opinions and boundaries. A simple "Thanks for sharing your perspective; I will consider and check it out later" suffices in giving you time to study the validity of what is being presented. Again, approach healthy debate to learn, not to generate conflict. If the other person is out to convince you without being open to being convinced – don't waste your time – walk away.

10. Encourage Critical Evaluation of Authority

authority in check

Teach people to evaluate authority figures and experts critically. Just because someone holds a position of authority doesn't mean their claims are always valid. Experts can very well be biased. Encourage individuals to evaluate the evidence and reasoning behind the claims of authority figures.

By implementing these strategies and promoting a culture of critical thinking and skepticism, we can work towards countering the vulnerabilities that make people easily manipulated. Building a more informed and resilient society helps protect individuals from falling prey to manipulation and fosters a healthier and more open exchange of ideas. Being meaningful means that everyone, without exception, deserves respect and to be actively heard and understood. Understanding does not mean agreement. Instead, it is a show of considerate and intellectual curiosity. An ethical, humble, and meaningful authority figure will not abuse their standing to impose, humiliate or demean.


Understanding the psychological vulnerabilities that make people susceptible to manipulation is crucial for building resilience against such tactics. We can develop a more critical and discerning mindset by recognizing our cognitive biases, sensory triggers, and manipulator strategies. Promoting education – including Meaningful Purpose Psychology approaches -- critical thinking and sensory intelligence will empower individuals to recognize and resist manipulation, leading to a more informed and resilient society.

"The people who would like to manipulate and use you won't tell you your blind spots. They may plan to continue using them to their advantage."
~ Assegid Habtewold ~

Boston Institute for Meaningful Purpose: Discovering Life's Answers. ™

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