In an identity, meanings set the agenda. ~ Luis A. Marrero: The Path to a Meaningful Purpose: Psychological Foundations of Logoteleology ~
Luis A. Marrero, MA, RODP, LLP
© 2016 Luis A. Marrero, Boston Institute for Meaningful Purpose
August 9, 2016 (Updated July 22, 2019; August 30, 2019; February 16, 2020; May 13, 2022; January 29, 2023; November 14, 2024)
This article answers the following question: What is meaning, meaningful, meaningless, important, and unimportant in Meaningful Purpose Psychology (logoteleology) (MP) theory and method? [i] It also explains why these definitions are relevant and practical for those interested in studying the role of meaning and purpose in their lives – particularly for non-psychological types who prefer terms they can relate to. However, I hope those in the psychology field will also find these MPP concepts useful. Finally, I will share how these terms can be useful in daily life and how to learn more about MPP to live a meaningful life.
What is Meaning?
Viktor Frankl provided a simple and practical answer: “Meaning is what is meant, be it by a person who asks me a question, or by a situation which, too, implies a question and calls for an answer.” [ii] And, “There is only one meaning to each situation, and this is its true meaning.” [iii] Here are two additional and complementary definitions from the Merriam-Webster Dictionary: [iv]
the idea that a person wants to express by using words, signs, etc.
something meant or intended
About what a person wants to express, British analytical psychologist Dale Mathers summarized well what the combined intended meaning and the decoded meaning denote: “Meaning is an act of communication, rather than a communication.” [v] Here, communication is a two-way exchange that succeeds when both parties are “on the same page” or when mutual understanding is shared. Hence, there is a shared meaning.
The second, meaning as “something meant or intended,” is about conveying intentions or aims through reasons, motives, and justifications. This intentional effort is stronger than a casual everyday exchange of information. Here is how the dictionary defines “mean”: [vi]
to have in mind as a purpose: intend
to serve or intend to convey, show, or indicate: signify
to have importance to the degree of
to direct to a particular individual
to have an intended purpose
Something that is conveyed or intended, especially by language, sense of significance [vii]
Full of meaning, expressive [viii]
In MPP, we use these “meaning” or “to mean” definitions to explain how individuals intend, convey, and grant significance and value. For instance, after hearing an inspiring presentation from a speaker, I intended to approach her to convey how significant and valuable the subject was to me. I could also convey to her how bright and creative she is. The former related to what she said, and the latter to who she is. On the other hand, there is also a dark side to meaning. If I offended or disagreed with the presentation's content, I could intend to approach the presenter to convey how insignificant and inconsequential her topic was to me. I could even go as far as to intend to relate to her, and I believe her to be incompetent and unprofessional.
Hence, in Logoteleology, a meaning fulfills two tasks, (1) provide reasons and motives to (2) intent or aim. To be more specific, a meaning is a singular intention or goal backed by reasons, motives, and justifications.
In Meaningful Purpose Psychology, a meaning is a singular intention or goal backed by reasons, motives, and justifications.
We are self-determined by the meaning we give to our experiences; and there is probably something of a mistake always involved when we take particular experiences as the basis for our future life. Meanings are not determined by situations, but we determine ourselves by the meanings we give to situations. ~ Alfred Adler
Meaning is the ‘stuff’ that makes thinking and feeling possible. It allows us to define and recognize things, individuals, and concepts. It also aids us in exchanging information with others to make sense of things and to cooperate to get things done. Meanings, too, evaluate and convey the significance we attribute to concepts, things, and people. That is why pursuing meaning is about doing and experiencing something worthwhile. According to Frankl, we can find meaning through work, loving someone, and suffering.
Meaning comes from commitments that transcend personal interests; it comes, as Frankl put it, from ‘reaching out beyond the self toward causes to serve or people to love. ~ Joseph B. Fabry ~ The Pursuit of Meaning: Viktor Frankl, Logotherapy, and Life
Now that we know what meaning is, why is it relevant?
Why do Meanings Matter in MPP?
Meanings are particularly relevant to MPP practitioners because they carry the power of branding or defining individuals or groups of people – both fairly and unfairly. In MPP, we refer to this phenomenon as meaning or valuing[ix] another (i.e., attributions). Core to MPP theory, people act out the meaning they give to another. For instance, compare the meaning given in the following two photos:
In the photo to the left, we could assume the prisoners are treated as objects with no or little inherent value to their captors. In the photo to the right, a baby is treated with love and as having great value to his mother. It should be clear how the meaning is given to one and the other and explain how each is being treated. Again, central to MPP theory, the meaning we give another will be acted out.
“A human being is not one thing among others; things determine each other, but man is ultimately self-determining. What he becomes – within the limits of endowment and environment- he has made out of himself. In the concentration camps, for example, in this living laboratory and on this testing ground, we watched and witnessed some of our comrades behave like swine while others behaved like saints. Man has both potentialities within himself; which one is actualized depends on decisions but not on conditions.” ~ Viktor Frankl ~
“Meanings set the agenda, and guarantee and explain the outcome…” Logoteleology Axiom Luis A. Marrero
The MPP method's core goal is to help people and institutions understand the role that meanings play in their lives, management styles, and, even more importantly, their consequences. The good news is that worthless meanings can be replaced with healthier and uplifting options. I will say more about this below.
What is Meaningful and Meaningless?
From all this we may learn that there are two races of men in the world, but only these two – the “race” of the decent man, and the “race” of the indecent man. Both are found everywhere; they penetrate into all groups in society. No group consists entirely of decent or indecent people. ~ Viktor Frankl ~
The dictionary defines meaningful as full of meaning, significance, purpose, or value; purposeful; significant. In MPP theory and method, the meaningful builds, enhances, and points to what is significant and beneficial. Acting meaningfully intends to honor, respect, exalt, validate, and value something and someone. For instance, you probably believe that your country’s flag is meaningful because of what it represents – the kinship with fellow citizens, the country’s history, language, culture, and traditions – all of which have a special significance in the flag’s colors. You would also agree that for some, serving and doing good to others is meaningful. To summarize, meaningful action is being prosocial.
This is consistent with psychological literature where meaningfulness is defined “as a generally positive or beneficial outcome for individuals and organizations.”[x] Pratt and Ashforth state, “By ‘meaningful,’ we mean that the work and/or its context are perceived by its practitioners to be, at minimum, purposeful and significant” (Pratt and Ashforth, 2003). Joseph F. Rychlack (1994) defines meaningfulness as “the extent of personal significance that a particular meaning has for the individual concerned.” In contrast, the dictionary defines meaningless as without meaning, significance, purpose, or value; purposeless; insignificant. In logoteleology, the meaningless is something or someone we could consider useless, trivial, worthless, insignificant, as well as having low value. If we consider and contrast the photos previously referenced above, we can appraise from both options which signify a meaningful behavior and which is meaningless conduct. Hence, the meaningless path is the antisocial path.
The logotherapist makes us aware of a choice of attitudes, which in turn open up meanings in situations of unavoidable suffering that in itself are meaningless. ~ Joseph B. Fabry
(In this science, all behavior is preceded by meanings, and thus we do not imply that meaningless equates to a literal “without meaning.” Rather, logoteleology’s “without meaning” stands for “insignificance” or of low regard.)
What is the construct of ‘Meaningful’?
In logoteleology theory, a meaningful experience satisfies five fundamental human strivings. We call them The Five Meaningful Life Strivings and The Meaningful Path:
Love/Prosocial behavior: You are surrounded by people who genuinely care for and respect one another as well as the environment.
Peace and peace of mind (Psychological and Physical Safety): You feel safe, protected, and at peace. Others “have your back.”
Happiness (subjective well-being): You are mindful of — and grateful for — the good in your life. You are content.
Engagement or Interest: You do interesting things with interesting people at interesting places for noble ends.
Prosperity (psychological well-being): Life is worth living. You are growing intellectually, spiritually, emotionally, experientially, and money-wise.
Actions that rob humans of the experiences of love, peace, peace of mind, happiness, engagement with others, and prosperity are considered ‘meaningless.’
Why is the contrast between Meaningful and Meaningless relevant?
If reasonable people would take the time to study published psychological peer-reviewed empirical research – as I have devotedly done for many years to complement my experience in the field – I strongly believe most would conclude that the meaningful serves us well and the meaningless should be avoided. That is why MPP or Logoteleology practitioners are inclined to study and research findings from various fields –particularly psychology — in order to generate and propose practical and scientifically well-founded solutions that give rise to human thriving and prosperity. We also strongly encourage others to test our propositions.
I can’t emphasize enough the vital role that being “practical” plays in the MP method. The MPP method not only encourages research and the study of sound science but also favors action and achieving meaningful results based on verified science. Moreover, understanding the difference between what is meaningful and what is meaningless can:
enhance autonomy and self-determination
build a confident set of values to live by
disentangle knowing what does and does not require our attention and choice
simplify decision making
What is Important and Unimportant?
Important equates to having priorities and giving significance. The important activates our attention and demands selectivity and ranking among options. [xi] Knowing what is important allows us to prioritize and grant prominence. On the other hand, the unimportant is categorized as low-ranking, insignificant, inconsequential, and irrelevant. The unimportant calls for no to low attention.
In MPP theory, “important” does not equate “meaningful.” Nor does “unimportant” parallel “meaningless.” In MPP a person can give importance to the meaningless, as has been defined in this article.
Figure 1 Meaningful / Important Quadrant
Figure 1 presents four behavioral options individuals and institutions can follow and apply.
The important and meaningful display of behavior intended to edify and improve. For instance, I can choose to recognize a peer for a job well done.
The unimportant and meaningless indicate behavior that avoids demeaning others. As an example, I decided not to infer that my theory and method are better than others’ approaches.
The important and meaningless bear-out behavior intended to demean and degrade people, such as a bully in a schoolyard who verbally and physically abuses others.
The unimportant and meaningful reveal behavior that neglects to build and edify others, such as when a person chooses to neglect to recognize another for her or his good performance.
Based on these explanations, options one and two are more acceptable and worthwhile. Options three and four should be avoided at all costs.
Each person is a unique individual going through a sequence of unrepeatable moments, each offering a specific meaning to be recognized to which a response must be made. ~ Joseph B. Fabry
..we have to choose between what is important and what is not, what is meaningful and what is not. We have to become selective and discriminating. ~ Viktor Frankl
Why is the contrast between Important and Unimportant relevant?
Again, in MPP theory importance does not mean meaningful. While it is possible – and desirable — to give importance to what is meaningful, as shown, it is also possible to give great importance to the meaningless by demeaning others, as in the case of bullying or – as seen in one of the photos above – by objectifying fellow human beings through wars.
Sadly, every day and in all corners of this world, people miss opportunities to do good for others and fail to encourage and build when called to do so.
So why are the definitions and contrasts relevant? Again, they simplify decision-making by telling us which two options will serve us best and which two we should avoid. History — both past and present — and the science behind this conclusion are robust.
Logotherapy maintains that we have choices about our attitudes under all circumstances, choices about things we can change and choices about our attitudes regarding those we cannot change. ~ Joseph B. Fraby
Summary and Call to Action
By now, it should be apparent that I will conclude this article by stating that we have options regarding how we view and relate to others. You would agree that the most desirable alternatives are those where we give others meaningful meaning and avoid demeaning fellow human beings. We would also avoid neglecting what is meaningful.
I would like you to ponder the following two questions: Why would anyone commit to viewing and treating others as inherently meaningful? Why would anyone reject viewing fellow human beings through a meaningless lens? I hope you agree that giving importance to what is meaningful makes sense. Moreover, I also hope you agree that being meaningful is a practical and healthy approach to life. The alternative — giving importance to the meaningless — has not, does not, and will not enhance human thriving and prosperity. Quite the contrary, it has been repeatedly proven by peer-reviewed empirical research, the historical record, as well as the daily news that the meaningless path does not work. These conclusions apply in both professional and non-professional settings.
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. ~ Albert Einstein ~
To suffer unnecessarily is masochistic rather than heroic. ~ Viktor Frankl ~
In this article, I have defined and differentiated the terms meaningful, meaningless, important, and unimportant according to the Meaningful Purpose Psychology theory and method. I have explained that we have choices and that such choices have consequences. The human condition, be it from an individual perspective or viewed from a global scope — and for good or bad — is a direct consequence of prominent and operating meanings; meanings we give to ourselves, others, context, situations, and the (ecological) environment. The good news is that MPP has tools and proven methods that help individuals and organizations:
assess the meaning they have given to themselves, others, and situations
discover how these meanings impact their quality of life
select meaningful options
build the confidence to improve conditions and to achieve positive results
enjoy the ability to live an extraordinary and prosperous life
Free Webinar: Introduction to Logoteleology
To learn more about logoteleology (or its short version, logotelogy) contact the author: Luis A. Marrero at for access to the pre-recorded webcast.
About the author
Luis A. Marrero, MA, RODP, LLP is the author of The Path to a Meaningful Purpose: Psychological Foundations of Logoteleology, and with co-author Daniel Persuitte, he published his second book, Meaningful Purpose: A Primer in Logoteleology. He pioneered Logoteleology, Second Wave Organization Development (OD 2.0). Luis is the Founding Partner of the Boston Institute for Meaningful Purpose and a former Deputy Chairman of the Board of the International Network on Personal Meaning (INPM). Luis served as Editor of the INPM Member Newsletter. He is also a member of the International Positive Psychology Association (IPPA) and co-founder of IPPA’s Work & Organization Division (W&OD). He was the Lead Chair of the W&OD’s Membership and Partnership Team and continues to play a leadership role in supporting the Division’s mission.
Luis provides individual, team, and organization development consulting, coaching, assessment, and development services to an international audience, leveraging his expertise in Meaningful Purpose Psychology (Logoteleology). He is a frequent speaker and presenter before professional and psychological associations. Luis has worked for Fortune 500 Companies both as an employee and a consultant. He worked for The Walt Disney Company in Orlando, Florida, USA, as a Senior Organization Development Consultant and has held Senior Human Resource roles in various industries throughout his career.
Luis taught Organization Development (OD) as an adjunct faculty member at NTL Institute in Alexandria, Virginia, for many years. He also learned from and taught Tavistock OD Methodology with his mentor, Harold Bridger, co-founder of the Tavistock Institute in London, England. Luis also studied Gestalt OD at the Gestalt Institute in Cleveland, Ohio. He holds various certifications in leadership training, psychometrics, and NLP.
Through The Boston Institute for Meaningful Purpose, Luis certifies and licenses aspiring logoteleologists in different countries. To learn more about ways to improve conditions in favor of the meaningful, don't hesitate to get in touch with Luis ( and visit our sites:
[i] Marrero, Luis A., The Path to a Meaningful Purpose: Psychological Foundations of Logoteleology. (Bloomington: IUniverse, 2013) and Marrero, Luis A. and Daniel Persuitte, Meaningful Purpose: A Primer in Logoteleology. (Bloomington: IUniverse, 2022)
[ii] Frankl, Viktor E., The Will to Meaning: Foundations and Applications of Logotherapy. (New York: Meridian, 1998), 62.
[iii] Ibid., 60.
[v] Mathers, Dale, Meaning and purpose in Analytical Psychology (Philadelphia: Taylor and Francis, Inc., 2001), 3
[viii] Ibid
[ix] Valuing in Psychology: A process in which persons assign worth to a particular activity or object.
[x] Berg, Justin M., Jane E. Dutton, and Amy Wrzesniewski, “Job Crafting and Meaningful Work.” Dik, Bryan J., Zinta S. Byrne, and Michael F. Steger, Eds. Purpose and Meaning in the Workplace (Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, 2013, 82.
[xi] Pashler, Harold F., The Psychology of Attention. (Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1998), 14., Alfred, and Alan Porter. What Life Should Mean to You. Martino Publishing, 2010. P 14, V. E. (2010) Man’s Search for Ultimate Meaning. New York: Basic Books
Pratt, . G. & Ashforth, B. E. (2003) Fostering Meaningfulness in Working and at Work. In Cameron, K., Duttn, J., & Quinn, R. (Eds.), Positive organizational scholarship. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler
Rychlak, Joseph F. Logical Learning Theory: A Human Teleology and Its Empirical Support. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1994. P 316
©2016; 2025 Luis A. Marrero, Boston Institute for Meaningful Purpose